German Proverb

Quote: To change and change for the better are two different things [German Proverb]

Quote: Charity sees the need, not the cause. [German Proverb]

Quote: No answer is also an answer. [German Proverb]

Quote: A clear conscience is a soft pillow. [German Proverb]

Quote: Who has never tasted what is bitter does not know what is sweet. [German Proverb]

Quote: Office without pay makes thieves. [German Proverb]

Quote: In bad fortune hold out, in good hold in. [German Proverb]

Quote: One must either be the hammer or the anvil. [German Proverb]

Quote: Fair flowers are not left standing along the wayside long. [German Proverb]

Quote: Envy eats nothing, but its own heart. [German Proverb]

Quote: In the morning of life, work; in the mid day give council; in the evening, pray. [German Proverb]

Quote: It is better to trust the eyes rather than the ears. [German Proverb]

Quote: Forever is a long bargain. [German Proverb]

Quote: Towards evening the lazy person begins to get busy. [German Proverb]

Quote: Those that rule must hear and be deaf, must see and be blind. [German Proverb]

Quote: Luck seeks those who flee and flees those who seek it. [German Proverb]

Quote: Too much humility is pride. [German Proverb]

Quote: Always something new, seldom something good. [German Proverb]

Quote: What little Jack does not learn, big John will never. [German Proverb]

Quote: A man trying to sell a blind horse always praises its feet. [German Proverb]

Quote: Weeping bride, laughing wife, laughing bride, weeping wife. [German Proverb]

Quote: The worst behaved students turn out to be the most pious preachers. [German Proverb]

Quote: Nothing weights lighter than a promise. [German Proverb]

Quote: Begin to weave and God will give the thread. [German Proverb]

Quote: Buying is cheaper than asking. [German Proverb]

Quotes of the month