Dwight Schultz

Quote: A caller wanted to know about the existence of extraterrestrial life and UFOs, and Sagan gave his typical 'Well, these things are never seen by more than two or three people at a time, and there's never any corroboration by radar triangulation.' [Dwight Schultz]

Quote: Barclay spent most of his time out on the holodeck, which is where things you imagine become three-dimensional and real. [Dwight Schultz]

Quote: Because I knew Brent (Spiner), Jonathan (Frakes) and Whoopi (Goldberg), there was a great deal of affection on the set. [Dwight Schultz]

Quote: Being closer to the genesis of this whole period, it captured the importance of the concept of making contact and accurately depicted the paranoia of the time. It's an excellent film. [Dwight Schultz]

Quote: Do they think the hoaxers and charlatans are so fanatical that they might cause a counter-revolution? It's got to be something else. They're simple afraid that somewhere along the line something is going to slip through. [Dwight Schultz]

Quote: Governments are moved by numbers, and the greater the number of people who admit that they believe, the greater the likelihood that the secret - if there is one being kept - will be revealed. [Dwight Schultz]

Quote: Has one hostage from Lebanon come back with a photograph of his abductors? Has any hostage ever come back with a photograph of his abductors smiling? I mean, this was so incredible! [Dwight Schultz]

Quote: I don't think it's too late for 'The War of the Worlds' to come true. I'm talking about it from the standpoint that which you need to have and own things - to breed, to think, to create - is going on everywhere, not just on this planet or in the space around it. [Dwight Schultz]

Quote: I remember being very excited when I was invited to do the show because I thought I was going to have a large, bulbous prosthetic head with pulsating veins. I ended up being the first nerd on the Starship Enterprise! It turned out to be a neat character. [Dwight Schultz]

Quote: I find that easier to accept than this all happened out of nothing. [Dwight Schultz]

Quote: I thought to myself, You pigmy! just six months earlier you had heard the Jimmy Carter say that, along with fellow witnesses, he had seen a UFO. [Dwight Schultz]

Quote: I wasn't onstage projecting to the back row. I was acting for the lens, which was right in front of me. I learnt a lot from that job. [Dwight Schultz]

Quote: I would say to others in show business is: Think of your last bad review. What could possibly be worse than that? [Dwight Schultz]

Quote: I'm a huge science fiction fan. On top of that, I've always been intrigued by science, both above-board sciences and the more arcane ones, meaning those that are sometimes sheltered by the term psuedo-science. [Dwight Schultz]

Quote: I'm a mathematical illiterate, but I'm fascinated by science. And I've talked to a lot of scientists. In private they don't say disparaging things about the UFO area. [Dwight Schultz]

Quote: I'm not into debunking or ridiculing, but I realize that the field is littered with hoaxers and charlatans. And why is that? What can we do to change that? [Dwight Schultz]

Quote: I've been blessed with some lovely scripts and a character that people could truly identify with. It's one of those surprises in life that makes you think, 'God was smiling on me that particular day. [Dwight Schultz]

Quote: I've spent a lot of time researching the subject and government deception. So to be involved in Star Trek is perfect for me. I enjoy meeting the fans and discussing my interests with them. [Dwight Schultz]

Quote: If they're traveling at the speed of light, their month is perhaps the equivalent of twenty of our years. So they're just buzzing around having a good old time, continuously looking. [Dwight Schultz]

Quote: In fact, their eyes sort of roll around and they kind of go, 'Hmm'- like there's something there and they don't want to talk about it. But they're not that kind when they are speaking in public. [Dwight Schultz]

Quote: It could be that people just want to be connected to something that's bigger than they are that can't be proven. I don't know, I don't think that's it. [Dwight Schultz]

Quote: It rolls off my back. Ridicule doesn't mean anything - even from people you're supposed to wear knee pads around, like the scientific community. [Dwight Schultz]

Quote: It sort of filtered into their subconscious through motion pictures, but it's an historical secret. This - whatever this is - needs to be studied and, in a kind of definitive way, talked about. [Dwight Schultz]

Quote: It was a while before I actually went to a convention, but when I finally did I was totally overwhelmed by the people's reactions. [Dwight Schultz]

Quote: It wasn't like the typical guest-star appearence, which can sometimes be an uncomfortable experience. This was extraordinarily easy for me because of all the familiar faces. In fact, some of the crew had also worked on The A-Team. [Dwight Schultz]

Quotes of the month