David Duchovny

Quote: Anxiety is part of creativity, the need to get something out, the need to be rid of something or to get in touch with something within. [David Duchovny]

Quote: Fame does lead to money, which I don't have a close relationship with. I'm the kind of guy who never sees the money -- it all goes somewhere else. I don't understand it, I don't like to deal with it. I have a fear of not having it, because I grew up without it. [David Duchovny]

Quote: For hundreds of years, that was the major form of entertainment: The grown-ups sat around and watched the kids play. Now they sit around and watch the television. The actors are the kids. [David Duchovny]

Quote: Graduate students are petrified. As an undergraduate you say what's on your mind, you rap with the teacher. But in graduate school you pronounce yourself a professional -- this is what you do for a living. You're petrified to be wrong. [David Duchovny]

Quote: I always dreamt of being a basketball player. A dream that only I believed in. [David Duchovny]

Quote: I do not think that Mulder trusts any one other than Scully. He s very solitary. She is the only one who takes him seriously. I don t know if they re in love. In a way, their relationship is deeper than that, because they cannot live without each other. [David Duchovny]

Quote: I don't socialise with Gillian just because we're working together all the time. You can't describe our relationship as 'like' or 'dislike'. We've been thrown together, two people who don't know each other and forced to spend more time together than married people do. [David Duchovny]

Quote: I don't think I'd ever be cruel to an animal. [David Duchovny]

Quote: I feel I have to work hard to nurture whatever talent I have as an actor. I feel like it's not natural to me. So I don't take it for granted ... What I think is my natural ability - which is writing - I think I totally take that for granted. [David Duchovny]

Quote: I lost my virginity when I was 14. And I haven't been able to find it. [David Duchovny]

Quote: I love dogs. They live in the moment and don't care about anything except affection and food. They're loyal and happy. Humans are just too damn complicated. [David Duchovny]

Quote: I'm not a religious person. If I get close to religion it's in these moments when people faint and shudder and have orgasms with religious fervor - I don't think they're kidding. And I'm envious. [David Duchovny]

Quote: If the greatest artwork in life is the creation of who you are, then it's good to apprentice to a good therapist. [David Duchovny]

Quote: If you have Darwin, Christ and Nietzsche, they're all going to talk at once. You need somebody who listens. [David Duchovny]

Quote: It's not someone else's responsibility to honor my marriage. It's my responsibility. [David Duchovny]

Quote: My entire life has been an attempt to get back to the kind of feelings you have on a field. The sense of brotherhood, the esprit de corps, the focus -- there being no past or future, just the ball. As trite as it sounds, I was happiest playing ball. [David Duchovny]

Quote: My favorite bill is the one hundred. [David Duchovny]

Quote: No sex between Mulder and Scully! Only deep friendship. People thinking there's more than that between us amuses me. With Gillian, we've created the illusion of romance. [David Duchovny]

Quote: Now that I'm married and thinking of having a family, my greatest fear is being unable to defend my loved ones. [David Duchovny]

Quote: On the one hand, people think they own kids; they feel that they have the right to tell the kids what to do. On the other hand, people envy kids. We'd like to be kids our whole lives. Kids get to do what they do. They live on their instincts. [David Duchovny]

Quote: One of the nice things about acting is that it allows you to open up to the other people within you. [David Duchovny]

Quote: One of the scary things is that, when you're a kid, you look at your dad as the man who has no fear. When you're an adult, you realize your father had fear, and that you have it, too. [David Duchovny]

Quote: People think celebrities don't have to worry about human things like sickness and death and rent. It's like you've traveled to this Land of Celebrity, this other country. They want you to tell about what you saw. [David Duchovny]

Quote: Sex is great until you die, but it's never as great as it was when you were a kid, when it was a mystery. [David Duchovny]

Quote: The great benefit of monogamy is that you get to trust the person you're with and she gets to trust you. And so much comes out of that. So whether or not men and women were meant to be monogamous -- and we can debate all the theories until we die -- I know I gain something great from it. [David Duchovny]

Quotes of the month