Bruce Campbell

Quote: Plenty of people will see 'Man With the Screaming Brain' and think it's the worst movie they've ever seen, ... But there's a group out there that'll be fine with it. [Bruce Campbell]

Quote: For a long time I was embarrassed to say I was a 'B' movie actor, ... But now that I see what Hollywood's putting out, I realized 'B' actually means 'better.' [Bruce Campbell]

Quote: The perception was it was a college movie, but it really wasn't, ... It was a completely professional venture where we formed a limited partnership and gave out shares. It was all above board. And we're so glad it was, because 25 years later we can still keep track of it. No one's suing anyone because we all know what happened. [Bruce Campbell]

Quote: Last Wednesday staff discovered a couple of areas of mould growth on some classroom walls. They were less than a square foot in surface area, totally different from the last time. There was something like three or four (areas) of surface mould growth, not the kind of stuff before, when it was behind the walls and growing for a long time. This is a different story. [Bruce Campbell]

Quote: Like someone splashed soda up against the wall. [Bruce Campbell]

Quote: When staff discovered it (the mould) we contacted an independent consultant who tested the area. He did a thorough inspection of the building and cleaned up the affected areas immediately. A follow up sampling showed the school was completely free of mould. [Bruce Campbell]

Quote: It's a very dark tale of greed, betrayal and revenge in Bulgaria - all with a brain transplant! [Bruce Campbell]

Quote: If I were pitching it in Hollywood, ... I'd say it's `The Out-of-Towners' with a brain transplant. [Bruce Campbell]

Quote: I said, 'Josh, the good news is we're going to do your movie. The bad news is you're going first, sucker,' ... Because I didn't know what it would be like to shoot in (Bulgaria), and he blazed the trail. He cursed me every day. [Bruce Campbell]

Quote: I'm as happy as any director who's tormented by everything they had to change. [Bruce Campbell]

Quote: And most importantly, it plays pretty well with audiences. [Bruce Campbell]

Quote: With a comic book, if you make it take place at night, it doesn't cost you a penny more, ... You can have rain and wind and sets that are vastly decorated, you can have great locations because you're making it all up ... it was a great opportunity to tell more of a true version of the story. [Bruce Campbell]

Quote: Oh my god, every one you can imagine for years and years. [Bruce Campbell]

Quote: Oh, you can have as much violence as you want, but no swearing and absolutely no sex. [Bruce Campbell]

Quote: No cars look the same, no building looks the same, ... The streets don't look the same. ... You've got packs of wild dogs running around. It's not America. [Bruce Campbell]

Quote: It was written by a lunatic, ... It's a quirky movie that you won't see on an airplane. [Bruce Campbell]

Quote: It totally sounds like an advice book, ... but there's not a shred of advice in the entire book, which is good for any of your readers. It's a novel. It's a humor book. It's sort of a what-if scenario of what would happen if you took a B-movie actor, meaning me -- I take the lead role in the book -- and put him into a big Hollywood movie. The answer is that it's not good. It's a misadventure. I single-handedly take down a big Hollywood movie. [Bruce Campbell]

Quote: I think citizens groups ... are able to do a lot more. [Bruce Campbell]

Quote: Once we got Rapids River Days put together, the interest waned, ... There's so many things we want to do. [Bruce Campbell]

Quote: The city is trying to develop a theme or an identity. I pushed the entrance sign. [Bruce Campbell]

Quote: Shop smart. Shop S-Mart. [Bruce Campbell]

Quote: Man With the Screaming Brain [Bruce Campbell]

Quote: All of Me. [Bruce Campbell]

Quote: I think it would be fun to take questions and to just rag on Hollywood. [Bruce Campbell]

Quote: I can't think of any organization where there isn't room for improvement. [Bruce Campbell]

Quotes of the month