
Quote: Im a fountain of blood. In the shape of a girl. [ Bjork]

Quote: There's no map to human behaviour. [ Bjork]

Quote: What probably confuses people is they know a lot about me, but it quite pleases me that there's more they don't know. [ Bjork]

Quote: I find it very difficult to draw a line between what's sex and what isn't. It can be very, very sexy to drive a car, and completely unsexy to flirt with someone at a bar. [ Bjork]

Quote: Football is a fertility festival. Eleven sperm trying to get into the egg. I feel sorry for the goalkeeper. [ Bjork]

Quote: People are always asking me about eskimos, but there are no eskimos in Iceland. [ Bjork]

Quote: Talking about producer Nellee Hooper: 'He's not one for mediocre experiences. [ Bjork]

Quote: The media like drama so it's 'She's in Hell.' And I'm like no, I had a bad day in February and a bad day in September but a brilliant summer'. [ Bjork]

Quote: All Is Full of Love. [ Bjork]

Quote: I've done lots of these things, but this is unusual. [ Bjork]

Quote: It seems that most the world is driven by the eye, right? They design cities to look great but they always sound horrible, ... They design telephones to look great, but they sound horrible. I think it was about time that the other senses were celebrated. [ Bjork]

Quote: You have my heart,
send me a little word,
that I may go
unto her and take her hands
saying 'Accept all happiness from me
[ Bjork]

Quote: I was a high school basketball player and high jumper, so I thought I could help [ Bjork]

Quote: It`s not the right time to say whether we will work together again, maybe, maybe not. [ Bjork]

Quote: I happen to be an emotional person. It's been hard work, and I don't know what's going to happen with the film. It's kind of scary, but I love it. [ Bjork]

Quote: I am a grateful...grapefruit. [ Bjork]

Quote: The problem is that the line's got to keep moving. [ Bjork]

Quote: Since we broke up
I'm using lipstick again
I suck my tongue
in remembrance of you.
[ Bjork]

Quote: Born stubborn me
Will always be
Before you count
One two three
I will have grown my own private branch
Of this tree.
[ Bjork]

Quote: I have seen what I want
and I know what I'll be
I've seen it all
there is no more to see.
[ Bjork]

Quote: If I took a cruise ship and went to any of the Caribbean islands, I could meet with a coach or an athlete I know there, ... That's pretty neat. [ Bjork]

Quote: Everybody enjoys coming to The Villages, ... There's no push, push, push, push. Everybody has a ball helping us out. [ Bjork]

Quote: I've Seen It All. [ Bjork]

Quote: All the feedback we've gotten from customers and people in the community has indicated this is going to be a successful franchise for us. Now we're going to have the opportunity to fill in with small vehicles. That's what we were looking for. [ Bjork]

Quote: Cabin and flight attendants no longer have to worry about second-hand smoke, and our technicians no longer have to clean out the tar that builds up in air vents. [ Bjork]

Quotes of the month