Quotes about Adultery

A Muslim woman was found in adultery or fornication and we know that there could be no pregnancy without the agency of a man, unless we are dealing with the virgin birth. Yet no man is charged with this crime. Where is the man in this case of adultery or fornication? Why isn't he being stoned? There is science today that can prove whether the man she claims is the father of her unborn child is actually so. So, if the law was fair, then, it would be carried out on both. What is real is that adultery destroys tens of thousands of families every year across America. What is real is that adultery scars tens of thousands of children emotionally and psychologically every year. What is real is that adultery is an open wound in a relationship which more often than not overflows into domestic violence or worse. In � beautiful hands the vice of adultery is the most productive. The sin of adultery can not be washed away neither toilet soap nor warm water. I have certain moral parameters that I do not cross in writing; I don't write about adultery or kids having premarital sex. Poetry should be written the way adultery is committed: on the run, on the sly, during the time not accounted for. And then you come home, as if nothing ever happened, Anyone who has fallen into fornication, adultery or any other such bodily impurity, should desist from this revolting filth and cleanse himself through confession, tears, fasting and the like. For God judges unrepentant fornicators and adulterers. He condemns them, dismisses them and consigns them to hell, unquenchable fire and other never-ending punishments, saying, 'Let the impure and accursed be taken away, lest they see and enjoy the glory of the Lord' (cf. Isa. 26:10 LXX). They tried to say that being gay is a sin, and I said that adultery is a sin. Adultery is responsible for breaking up more marriages, but do we put that in the Constitution? It's absurd. Adultery is not about sex or romance. Ultimately, it is about how little we mean to one another. I said to this priest: 'Am I expected to believe that if I went out and had an affair that God was really going to be upset? Okay, thou shalt not kill... steal... but thou shalt not commit adultery? If no one is any the wiser, what the hell difference does it make?' He was lovely. He told me the Commandments were laid down for a lot of guys living in the desert Ladies ...any man that lusts after you will answer to God for his mental adultery...but you will answer to God if you provoked him by the manner in which you are dressed. People who commit adultery must die. Everyone knows that. Any movie tells you that! Adultery ... could be as banal as marriage. These people´s God has shown them by a million acts that he respects none of the Bible´s statues. He breaks every one of them himself, adultery and all. Apostasy must be called what it is, spiritual adultery. The psychology of adultery has been falsified by conventional morals, which assume, in monogamous countries, that attraction to one person cannot coexist with affection for another. Everybody knows that this is untrue. Planned Parenthood is teaching kids to fornicate, teaching people to have adultery, every kind of bestiality, homosexuality, lesbianism - everything that the Bible condemns. The task of an American writer is not to describe the misgivings of a woman taken in adultery as she looks out of a window at the rain but to describe four hundred people under the lights reaching for a foul ball. This is ceremony. Mars, when guilty of homicide, and set free from the charge of murder by the Athenians through favour, lest he should appear to be too fierce and savage, committed adultery with Venus. When adultery walks in, everything worth having walks out. Just as a husband cannot be indulgent of adultery in his wife, so also God cannot and will not endure infidelity in us. What would we think of a man or woman who does not experience jealous feelings when another person approaches his or her spouse and threatens to win his or her affection? We would regard such a person as deficient in moral character and lacking in true love. All killing is not murder any more than all sexual intercourse is adultery. Adultery is an obvious violation of the rights of another. You are stealing what doesn't belong to you. Do not adultery commit; Advantage rarely comes of it. I did commit adultery, if adultery is having a relationship in a marriage with another woman. I learned from that. I think it's fair to say more adultery goes on in hotels than any other place in the world. Adultery is not a crime, it's an amusement. If everybody was so reverent of the institute of marriage, how did all the adultery get committed? If you're openly living in unrepentant sin, whatever it may be, not just homosexuality, adultery, fornication, premarital sex between heterosexuals, whatever it may be, I believe that's walking in open rebellion to God and to Jesus Christ. I would not characterize that person as a Christian because I do not think the Bible would characterize them as a Christian. Sin cannot tear you away from him [Christ] even though you commit adultery a hundred times a day and commit as many murders.

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