Quotes about Accuracy

The thing that bothers me the most about the media is simple accuracy. Accuracy in the genetic field will be essential. Errors in testing could be disastrous. You cannot look at a person's genes and say with any accuracy whether they are from one racial group or another. Avatar accuracy. (Anatoly Yurkin) Avatar detailing. (Anatoly Yurkin) Avatar refinement. (Anatoly Yurkin) Cherries, bananas, pears, oranges, currants, and malevolent kiwis are most happy when an Archer hits an Apple. (Anatoly Yurkin) I mean, every thought starts over, so every expression of a thought has to do the same. every accuracy has to be invented... I feel I am blundering in concepts too fine for me. With a thousand joys I would accept a nonacademic job for which industriousness, accuracy, loyalty, and such are sufficient without specialized knowledge, and which would give a comfortable living and sufficient leisure, in order to sacrifice to my gods [mathematical research]. For example, I hope to get the editting of the census, the birth and death lists in local districts, not as a job, but for my pleasure and satisfaction... Some films do portray women in their 40s well, and some other films don't. Some films are written by women, so maybe there's a little more accuracy there. ...HH Beard has perfected ...3 excellent (urine) cancer tests, all of proven accuracy of 95% or better..... in 1942 and onwards. For me, the shaping of the story is more important than accuracy. Our mission is to report these horrors of war with accuracy and without prejudice, Our mission is to report these horrors of war with accuracy and without prejudice. We always have to ask ourselves whether the level of risk is worth the story. What is bravery, and what is bravado? Journalists covering combat shoulder great responsibilities and face difficult choices. Sometimes they pay the ultimate price. There's a simplicity in typography that demands absolute accuracy... the only way you can experience it is by doing it, and you can't do it on a screen because a screen never gives you the entire picture. The stability of modern governments above the ancient, and the accuracy of modern philosophy, have improved, and probably will still improve, by similar gradations. A man must have a stout digestion to feed upon some men's theology; no sap, no sweetness, no life, but all stern accuracy, and fleshless definition. Proclaimed without tenderness, and argued without affection, the gospel from such men rather resembles a missile from a catapult than bread from a Father's hand. Science provides tangible evidence of its accuracy and importance. Religion makes excuses for its absence of the same. Verbal representations of such places or scenes may, or may not, have the merit of accuracy; but photographic presentments of them will be accepted by posterity with an undoubting faith. The Bible's historical accuracy is a reminder that while 'the heavens declare the glory of God,' there's also plenty of evidence among the rubble and ruins. You cannot describe the universe completely with any accuracy unless you're willing to admit that it's both physical and mental in nature. Degrees of accuracy are only degrees of refinement and magnitude in no way affects the fundamental reliability, which refers, as directional or angular sense, toward centralized truths.<br /> Truth is a relationship. Quality is determined by accuracy and completeness. HB-Shizzle's gonna be honest with ya, okay. To hit these bad boys, you have to have pinpoint accuracy. The New Yorker has devoted itself for 59 years not only to facts and literal accuracy but to truth. And truth begins, journalistically, with the facts. He seems designed specifically for speed and deadly accuracy. But not strength, not particularly-he is smart, but not strong. Only strong enough to carry me. With a historical setting, I worry about accuracy at every turn... With a created world, I have to worry about all of it holding together and seeming coherent... Each presents unique challenges and opportunities. In all pointed sentences, some degree of accuracy must be sacrificed to conciseness. The speed, accuracy and devastating power of American Artillery won confidence and admiration from the troops it supported and inspired fear and respect in their enemy. Somethin' like four thousand bottles have been thrown at me in my day but only about twenty ever hit me. That does not speak very well for the accuracy of the fans' throwing.

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