Thomas Fuller

Quote: A book that is shut is but a block. [Thomas Fuller]

Quote: Better hazard once than always be in fear. [Thomas Fuller]

Quote: He that fears not the future may enjoy the present. [Thomas Fuller]

Quote: A conservative believes nothing should be done for the first time. [Thomas Fuller]

Quote: Better be alone than in bad company. [Thomas Fuller]

Quote: With foxes we must play the fox. [Thomas Fuller]

Quote: The weakest and most timorous are the most revengeful and implacable. [Thomas Fuller]

Quote: Many would be cowards if they had courage enough. [Thomas Fuller]

Quote: Better a little fire to warm us than a great one to burn us. [Thomas Fuller]

Quote: He that flings dirt at another dirtieth himself the most. [Thomas Fuller]

Quote: The more wit the less courage. [Thomas Fuller]

Quote: He that knows little often repeats it. [Thomas Fuller]

Quote: An ounce of cheerfulness is worth a pound of sadness to serve God with. [Thomas Fuller]

Quote: Despair gives courage to a coward. [Thomas Fuller]

Quote: A little skill in antiquity inclines a man to Popery. [Thomas Fuller]

Quote: Slight small injuries, and they will become none at all. [Thomas Fuller]

Quote: Search not a wound too deep lest thou make a new one. [Thomas Fuller]

Quote: An invincible determination can accomplish almost anything and in this lies the great distinction between great men and little men. [Thomas Fuller]

Quote: Many come to bring their clothes to church rather than themselves. [Thomas Fuller]

Quote: Compliments cost nothing, yet many pay dear for them. [Thomas Fuller]

Quote: Debt is the worst poverty. [Thomas Fuller]

Quote: Good clothes open all doors. [Thomas Fuller]

Quote: What cannot be altered must be borne, not blamed. [Thomas Fuller]

Quote: A wise man turns chance into good fortune. [Thomas Fuller]

Quote: All doors open to courtesy. [Thomas Fuller]

Quotes of the month