Saki Saki

Quote: A little inaccuracy sometimes saves tons of explanations. [Saki Saki]

Quote: Children are given to us to discourage our better emotions. [Saki Saki]

Quote: Think how many blameless lives are brightened by the blazing indiscretions of other people. [Saki Saki]

Quote: The young have aspirations that never come to pass, the old have reminiscences of what never happened. [Saki Saki]

Quote: A little inaccuracy sometimes saves tons of explanation. [Saki Saki]

Quote: Think how many blameless lives are brightened by the blazing indiscretions of other people. [Saki Saki]

Quote: All decent people live beyond their incomes nowadays, and those who aren't respectable live beyond other people's. A few gifted individuals manage to do both. [Saki Saki]

Quote: Think how many blameless lives are brightened by the blazing indiscretions of other people. [Saki Saki]

Quote: The cat of the slums and alleys, starved, outcast, harried,... still displays the self- reliant watchfulness which man has never taught it to lay aside. [Saki Saki]

Quote: Every reformation must have its victims. You can't expect the fatted calf to share the enthusiasm of the angels over the prodigal's return. [Saki Saki]

Quote: Every reformation must have its victims. You can't expect the fatted calf to share the enthusiasm of the angels over the prodigal's return. [Saki Saki]

Quote: The people of Crete unfortunately make more history than they can consume locally. [Saki Saki]

Quote: All decent people live beyond their incomes; those who aren't respectable live beyond other people's; a few gifted individuals manage to do both. [Saki Saki]

Quote: A little inaccuracy sometimes saves a lot of explanations. [Saki Saki]

Quote: In baiting a mousetrap with cheese, always leave room for the mouse. [Saki Saki]

Quote: Think how many blameless lives are brightened by the blazing indiscretions of other people. [Saki Saki]

Quotes of the month