Robert Burton

Quote: The men who succeed are the efficient few. They are the few who have the ambition and will power to develop themselves. [Robert Burton]

Quote: No cord or cable can draw so forcibly, or bind so fast, as love can do with a single thread. [Robert Burton]

Quote: One religion is as true as another. [Robert Burton]

Quote: Many men are melancholy by hearing music, but it is a pleasing melancholy that it causeth; and therefore to such as are discontent, in woe, fear, sorrow, or dejected, it is a most present remedy. [Robert Burton]

Quote: Truth is the shattered mirror strewn in myriad bits; while each believes his little bit the whole to own. [Robert Burton]

Quote: Marriage and hanging go by destiny; matches are made in heaven. [Robert Burton]

Quote: Diogenes struck the father when the son swore. [Robert Burton]

Quote: Great feelings will often take the aspect of error, and great faith the aspect of illusion. [Robert Burton]

Quote: A good conscience is a continual feast. [Robert Burton]

Quote: Every other sin hath some pleasure annexed to it, or will admit of an excuse: envy alone wants both. [Robert Burton]

Quote: Why are Italians at this day generally so good poets and painters? Because every man of any fashion amongst them hath his mistress. [Robert Burton]

Quote: England is a paradise for women and hell for horses; Italy is a paradise for horses, hell for women, as the diverb goes. [Robert Burton]

Quote: A quiet mind cureth all. [Robert Burton]

Quote: All poets are mad. [Robert Burton]

Quote: Like dogs in a wheel, birds in a cage, or squirrels in a chain, ambitious men still climb and climb, with great labor, and incessant anxiety, but never reach the top. [Robert Burton]

Quote: Old friends become bitter enemies on a sudden for toys and small offenses. [Robert Burton]

Quote: A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword. [Robert Burton]

Quote: The fear of some divine and supreme powers keeps men in obedience. [Robert Burton]

Quote: We can make mayors and officers every year, but not scholars. [Robert Burton]

Quote: A good husband makes a good wife. [Robert Burton]

Quote: There is something in a woman beyond all human delight; a magnetic virtue, a charming quality, an occult and powerful motive. [Robert Burton]

Quote: The fear of death is worse than death. [Robert Burton]

Quote: The devil is the author of confusion. [Robert Burton]

Quote: They are proud in humility, proud that they are not proud. [Robert Burton]

Quote: Idleness is an appendix to nobility. [Robert Burton]

Quotes of the month