Orison Swett Marden

Quote: There can be no great courage where there is no confidence or assurance, and half the battle is in the conviction that we can do what we undertake. [Orison Swett Marden]

Quote: The world is sad enough without your woe. [Orison Swett Marden]

Quote: The greatest trouble with most of us is that our demands upon ourselves are so feeble, the call upon the great within of us so weak and intermittent that it makes no impression upon the creative energies; it lacks the force that transmutes desires into realities. [Orison Swett Marden]

Quote: No employer today is independent of those about him. He cannot succeed alone, no matter how great his ability or capital. Business today is more than ever a question of cooperation. [Orison Swett Marden]

Quote: This force, which is the best thing in you, your highest self, will never respond to any ordinary half-hearted call, or any milk-and-water endeavor, It can only be reached by your supremest call, your supremest effort. It will respond only to the call that is backed up by the whole of you, not part of you; you must be all there in what you are trying to do. You must bring every particle of your energy, unanswerable resolution, your best efforts, your persistent industry to your task or the best will not come out of you. You must back up your ambition by your whole nature, by unbounded enthusiasm and a determination to win which knows no failure... Only a masterly call, a masterly will, a supreme effort, intense and persistent application, can unlock the door to your inner treasure and release your highest powers. [Orison Swett Marden]

Quote: Resolve that whatever you do, you will bring the whole man to it; that you will fling the whole weight of your being into it. [Orison Swett Marden]

Quote: The giants of the race have been men of concentration, who have struck sledge-hammer blows in one place until they have accomplished their purpose. The successful men of today are men of one overmastering idea, one unwavering aim, men of single and intense purpose. [Orison Swett Marden]

Quote: Character is the indelible mark that determines the only true value of all people and all their work. [Orison Swett Marden]

Quote: Our destiny changes with our thought; we shall become what we wish to become, do what we wish to do, when our habitual thought corresponds with our desire. [Orison Swett Marden]

Quote: Concentration is the factor that causes the great discrepancy between men and the results they achieve... the difference in their power of calling together all the rays of their ability and concentrating on one point. [Orison Swett Marden]

Quote: We fail to see that we can control our own destiny; make ourselves do whatever is possible; make ourselves become whatever we long to be. [Orison Swett Marden]

Quote: There is something greater than wealth, grander even than fame -- manhood, character, stand for success... nothing else really does. [Orison Swett Marden]

Quote: If we put the emphasis upon the right things, if we live the life that is worth while and then fail, we will survive all disasters, we will out-live all misfortune. We should be so well balanced and symmetrical, that nothing which could ever happen could throw us off our center, so that no matter what misfortune should overtake us, there would still be a whole magnificent man or woman left after being stripped of everything else. [Orison Swett Marden]

Quote: The beginning of a habit is like an invisible thread, but every time we repeat the act we strengthen the strand, add to it another filament, until it becomes a great cable and binds us irrevocably thought and act. [Orison Swett Marden]

Quote: All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim, have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible. [Orison Swett Marden]

Quote: Many a man has finally succeeded only because he has failed after repeated efforts. If he had never met defeat he would never have known any great victory. [Orison Swett Marden]

Quote: There is no failure for the man who realizes his power, who never knows when he is beaten; there is no failure for the determined endeavor; the unconquerable will. There is no failure for the man who gets up every time he falls, who rebounds like a rubber ball, who persists when everyone else gives up, who pushes on when everyone else turns back. [Orison Swett Marden]

Quote: You cannot measure a man by his failures. You must know what use he makes of them. What did they mean to him. What did he get out of them. [Orison Swett Marden]

Quote: Talk happiness. The world is sad enough without your woe. [Orison Swett Marden]

Quote: We must give more in order to get more, It is the generous giving of ourselves that produce the generous harvest. [Orison Swett Marden]

Quote: Doing common things uncommonly well. [Orison Swett Marden]

Quote: Our trials, our sorrows, and our grieves develop us... [Orison Swett Marden]

Quote: A strong, successful man is not the victim of his environment. He creates favorable conditions. His own inherent force and energy compel things to turn out as he desires. [Orison Swett Marden]

Quote: Just make up your mind at the very outset that your work is going to stand for quality... that you are going to stamp a superior quality upon everything that goes out of your hands, that whatever you do shall bear the hall-mark of excellence. [Orison Swett Marden]

Quote: The glow of satisfaction which follows the consciousness of doing our level best never comes to a human being from any other experience. [Orison Swett Marden]

Quotes of the month