Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]

Quote: Ray Ferrier: Agh!
Man on street: Is it hot?
Ray Ferrier: No, it's freezing.
[Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quote: News Producer: It's the same everywhere - once the tripods begin to move, no more news comes out of that area. [Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quote: Ray Ferrier: What is with this "Ray" business? You can call me Dad, that's my name, Dad. Or Mr. Ferrier... it's a bit weird, but I can deal with that.
Rachel Ferrier: *Dad*
Ray Ferrier: Yes, Rachel.
Rachel Ferrier: I need to use the bathroom.
[Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quote: Rachel Ferrier: I'm allergic to peanut butter.
Ray Ferrier: Since when?
Rachel Ferrier: Birth.
[Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quote: Robbie Ferrier: What is it? Is it terrorists?
Ray Ferrier: These came from some place else.
Robbie Ferrier: What do you mean, like, Europe?
Ray Ferrier: No, Robbie, not like Europe!
[Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quote: Ray Ferrier: Ok, Im gonna take you to the car. I want you to keep your eyes on me. You're gonna want to look around but you're not going to, are you? [Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quote: Ray Ferrier: That is so weird. The wind is blowing *toward* the storm. [Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quote: Ray Ferrier: Can you think of a plan that *doesn't* involve your 10-year-old sister joining the army? [Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quote: Mary Ann: Take care of our kids. [Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quote: News Producer: [at the site of a plane crash] Were you on that plane?
Ray Ferrier: No.
News Producer: Too bad. It would have made a hell of a story.
[Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quote: Ogilvy: You and me. I don't think we're on the same page. [Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quote: Ray Ferrier: Wasn't that cool?
Rachel Ferrier: It's right behind our house!
[Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quote: Ray Ferrier: Hey, Rachel, wanna see something cool?
[she comes outside, lightning strikes]
Rachel Ferrier: I wanna go inside.
Ray Ferrier: It's okay now.
Rachel Ferrier: I wanna go inside.
Ray Ferrier: All right, go ahead inside.
Rachel Ferrier: [she looks at him] I dont wanna go by myself.
[Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quote: Ray Ferrier: Where is Robbie?
Rachel Ferrier: He went out.
Ray Ferrier: Out where?
Rachel Ferrier: I don't know. He just took your car, and left.
[Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quote: Rachel Ferrier: Are we gonna be okay? Is Robbie Okay?
Ray Ferrier: I don't know.
Rachel Ferrier: What do you mean you don't know? Are you okay?
[Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quote: Rachel Ferrier: Did the lightning stop? [Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quote: Robbie Ferrier: I have to see this, Dad. You have to let me go. I want to fight. Please! I have to see this. Just let me go! [Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quote: Ray Ferrier: [takes a bite of food] What is this?
Rachel Ferrier: Hoummus.
Ray Ferrier: Hoummus?
Rachel Ferrier: Yeah, from the Health food place, I kept a menu last time we were here.
Ray Ferrier: [just stares at her]
Rachel Ferrier: ...Well you said order.
Ray Ferrier: Yeah... food.
[Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quote: Rachel Ferrier: What are we supposed to do for food?
Ray Ferrier: You know - order.
[Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quote: Ray Ferrier: This... This machine it just started... torturing everyone... killing everything. [Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quote: Rachel Ferrier: Where's Mom?
Ray Ferrier: In Boston.
Rachel Ferrier: Where's Mom? I want Mom.
Ray Ferrier: I know.
Rachel Ferrier: [shouts] I want Mom! I want Mom! I want Mommmm!
Ray Ferrier: [shouts] That's what I'm trying to do!
[Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quote: Ray Ferrier: Ketchup. Mustard. Thousand Island Dressing. Vinaigrette. This is good, Robbie. I told you to pack *food*. What the hell is this?
Robbie Ferrier: That's all that was in your kitchen.
[Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quote: Rachel Ferrier: Whose car is this? Whose car is this? [Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quote: Robbie Ferrier: Ray, I'm standing right next to you. Talk to me. What's going on? [Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quote: Ray Ferrier: I am *not* going to let my daughter die because of you. [Movie: War of the Worlds [2005] Movie: War of the Worlds [2005]]

Quotes of the month