Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]

Quote: Tyler Durden: Something wrong, Dear? [Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quote: Narrator: You're fucking Marla, Tyler.
Tyler Durden: Uh, technically, you're fucking Marla, but it's all the same to her.
[Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quote: Narrator: Fuck you! Fuck Fight Club! Fuck Marla! I am sick of all your shit! [Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quote: Narrator: Tyler's not here. Tyler went away. Tyler's gone. [Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quote: Ricky: [to Bob, while interviewing for applicants] You're too old fat man.
[to Angel Face]
Ricky: And you, you are too fucking... *blonde*!
[Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quote: Tyler Durden: Now, ancient people found their clothes got cleaner if they washed them at a certain spot in the river. You know why?
Narrator: No.
Tyler Durden: Human sacrifices were once made on the hills above this river. Bodies burnt, water speeded through the wood ashes to create lye.
[holds up a bottle]
Tyler Durden: This is lye - the crucial ingredient. The lye combined with the melted fat of the bodies, till a thick white soapy discharge crept into the river. May I see your hand, please?
[Tyler licks his lips until they're gleaming wet - he takes the Narrator's hand and kisses the back of it]
Narrator: What is this?
Tyler Durden: This...
[pours the lye on the Narrator's hand]
Tyler Durden: ... is chemical burn.
[Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quote: Tyler Durden: We are all part of the same compost heap. [Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quote: Doctor: You wanna see pain? Swing by First Methodist Tuesday nights. See the guys with testicular cancer. That's pain. [Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quote: Narrator: I want you to listen to me very carefully, Tyler.
Tyler Durden: Okay...
Narrator: My eyes are open.
[Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quote: Tyler Durden: [the Narrator is trying to disarm a car bomb of nitroglycerin] You don't know which wire to pull.
Narrator: I know everything you do, so if you know I know.
Tyler Durden: Or maybe, since I knew you'd know I spent all days thinking about the wrong wires.
[Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quote: Tyler Durden: [the Narrator places the gun under his chin and cocks back the hammer] Now why would you want to go and blow your head off?
Narrator: Not my head, Tyler, *our* head.
[Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quote: Tyler Durden: Now why would you want to put a gun to your head?
Narrator: Not my head, Tyler. Our head.
[Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quote: Narrator: It's called a changeover. The movie goes on, and nobody in the audience has any idea. [Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quote: Narrator: Bob is dead, they shot him in the head!
Tyler Durden: You wanna make an omelet, you gotta break some eggs.
[Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quote: Tyler Durden: Well you did lose a lot of versatile solutions for modern living [Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quote: Narrator: When deep space exploration ramps up, it'll be the corporations that name everything, the IBM Stellar Sphere, the Microsoft Galaxy, Planet Starbucks. [Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quote: Marla Singer: I wish I could return the favor.
Narrator: There's not a lot of breast cancer in the men in my family.
Marla Singer: I could check your prostate.
[Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quote: Narrator: It's just, when you buy furniture, you tell yourself, that's it. That's the last sofa I'm gonna need. Whatever else happens, I've got that sofa problem handled. [Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quote: Richard Chesler: Get the fuck out of here, you're fired!
Narrator: I have a better solution. You keep me on the payroll as an outside consultant and in exchange for my salary, my job will be never to tell people these things that I know. I don't even have to come into the office, I can do this job from home.
[Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quote: Narrator: You can swallow a pint of blood before you get sick. [Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quote: Narrator: Home was a condo on the fifteenth floor of a filing cabinet for widows and young professionals. The walls were solid concrete. A foot of concrete is important when your next-door neighbor lets their hearing aid go and have to watch game-shows at full volume. Or when a volcanic blast of debris that used to be your furniture and personal effects blows out of your floor-to-ceiling windows and sails flaming into the night. I suppose these things happen. [Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quote: Tyler Durden: We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need. [Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quote: Narrator: Tyler was now involved in a class action lawsuit against the Pressman Hotel over the urine content of their soup. [Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quote: Police Officer: You said that if anyone ever interfers with project mayhem, even you, we gotta get his balls. [Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quote: Narrator: You're making a big mistake, fellas!
Police Officer: You said you would say that.
Narrator: I'm not Tyler Durden!
Police Officer: You told us you'd say that, too.
Narrator: All right then, I'm Tyler Durden. Listen to me, I'm giving you a direct order. We're aborting this mission right now.
Police Officer: You said you would definitely say that.
[Movie: Fight Club [1999] Movie: Fight Club [1999]]

Quotes of the month