Eric McCormack

Quote: The freshness must be strictly internal, how we do little things. The big picture is not going to change that much. [Eric McCormack]

Quote: But I think NBC took a laissez-faire attitude [Eric McCormack]

Quote: I shouldn't give it away, but I wake up in bed with Bob Newhart, ... No, it will be a great ending. It will not be a wedding per se . But I think these characters deserve a little happiness. I do know [the ending]. And I can't tell you. [Eric McCormack]

Quote: Will & Grace [Eric McCormack]

Quote: Some television critics don't like us anymore. [Eric McCormack]

Quote: I think we may see a lot of the old characters come back. [Eric McCormack]

Quote: Mostly, I think, it's actually really joyful, ... It was a decision that we made, and we made it together. And so we're going into this thing knowing that we're not going to overstay our welcome and we're going to take it out in a big way. [Eric McCormack]

Quote: We didn't make a lot of political statements. The political statement was just the fact that we existed for eight years and we existed early. We're just going to make it easier for other shows to have gay characters without having to put a spotlight on them as gay characters. [Eric McCormack]

Quote: We showed we could do a funny show without a boyfriend and be funny. [Eric McCormack]

Quote: It's just as well. You know how hard it is to get a sitter? [Eric McCormack]

Quote: Will isn't a screaming queen - that's Jack's part. They needed someone to play the part for America. It's just not the same as Britain. To have a gay character as a lead is risky. [Eric McCormack]

Quote: I have accomplished a lot, but it didn't happen overnight for me. I was 35 when I got the show, and had been working professionally for 15 years. It would be a lot weirder if I were in my early 20s and stumbled into it. [Eric McCormack]

Quote: But I was ready for it and I knew I could do it. I've just turned 40, I have a son and I feel more settled and driven than ever. I think my 40s will be my most prolific time. It's a very rare life you get to lead as a sitcom guy. [Eric McCormack]

Quote: Some television critics don't like us anymore, ... Well, maybe you don't, but our peers do! [Eric McCormack]

Quote: But there's only so much we can do. [Eric McCormack]

Quote: There is a tremendous consistency to our show. [Eric McCormack]

Quote: Critics want 'fresh,' ... But long-running television shows aren't built that way. When people tune into 'Will & Grace,' they don't want new actors in the roles. They don't want a new setting: They don't want to suddenly see it taking place in Miami. The freshness must be strictly internal, how we do little things. The big picture is not gonna change that much. [Eric McCormack]

Quote: But they DID tune out. [Eric McCormack]

Quote: Television fame makes people say, ' That's who that guy is. That's the way he is,' ... Now I have to say, 'Look, I'm lots of other guys, too.' [Eric McCormack]

Quote: Critics want 'fresh,' [Eric McCormack]

Quote: I think there's a controversy being invented for the sake of controversy, ... I think when people see the first few episodes, they'll realize it's not that big a deal. [Eric McCormack]

Quote: I've gone to NBC every year and said, 'If you're going to move us, could you tell people?' But I think NBC took a laissez-faire attitude. [Eric McCormack]

Quote: Every week we have 300 people who line up to see us live. Part of the kick of a sitcom is it is in front of an audience. It is just a small audience every week. This time the audience will be America. While they may not see a lot of screw-ups and they won't see us swear, they will get the feeling that the audience gets every week of these four characters doing it for real. [Eric McCormack]

Quote: If you're doing an hour-long show, you're working movie hours, doing a 12-15-hour day. We work three or four hours a day, and get every third or fourth week off to give the writers time to write. It's the cushiest job in Hollywood. [Eric McCormack]

Quote: NBC just pumped them out. [Eric McCormack]

Quotes of the month