Al Lewis

Quote: Albert Einstein, one of my favorites, said: "Imagination is more important than knowledge." And if that cat said it, it's good enough for me. [Al Lewis]

Quote: And the police, because they are hired by the property owners, have the right to hit them on the head and throw 'em out. That's the society, that's how it's organized. [Al Lewis]

Quote: As long as you gave it your best shot, even if in the opinion of others "you failed," you didn't fail. [Al Lewis]

Quote: Being a labor organizer in the 1930's? In the South? You faced death at any moment. Not the Ku Klux Klan - the poor people there who had no jobs. They were hired by the boss. [Al Lewis]

Quote: But they used to have a hundred thousand people there in Union Square Park. [Al Lewis]

Quote: During the Depression, people were getting evicted, ten a day. We used to come along and break the lock and put the furniture back in again. [Al Lewis]

Quote: Every Friday I used to have about fifty, sixty kids who would wait for me on Sunset Boulevard and I'd take them all to dinner. All runaways. [Al Lewis]

Quote: From the circus I went to carnival, and then drifted into medicine shows. First I went out with somebody, then I had my own. [Al Lewis]

Quote: How could I not be aware during the Depression that people were starving? [Al Lewis]

Quote: I always say, "You hire Al Lewis, you get the whole Al Lewis." He's loud, he's opinionated, he smokes terrible cigars, that's it. I can't be and I'm not going to attempt to be what someone thinks I should be. That's the road to hell. [Al Lewis]

Quote: I came to the big time radio in New York. That's when radio was king, there was no television. [Al Lewis]

Quote: I don't own a newspaper, I don't own a radio station. That's it. I don't feel bad about that. I understand the limitations. I fight against them, I stretch 'em out. I'm not out to save the world. [Al Lewis]

Quote: I have an old brain but a terrific memory. [Al Lewis]

Quote: I made medicine in a bathtub. Whatever ailed you. I probably kept your grandfather alive. That's why you're here. [Al Lewis]

Quote: I met the Beatles, you name them, ain't no big deal. They couldn't get a hotel to put them up, so Universal studios was encased with a wall, with their own police and firemen. We stayed in a bungalow, and one of them stayed in mine. [Al Lewis]

Quote: I prefer that for my own satisfaction over radio, there's no audience. TV, there's no audience. I need the response of the audience, even if it's a silent response. [Al Lewis]

Quote: I remember my mother used to go on the parades for the Scottsboro boys. Those guys were arrested in Alabama on the testimony of two prostitutes - we struggled to free them. [Al Lewis]

Quote: I say that power works 24 hours. Otherwise they don't stay in power, they topple. [Al Lewis]

Quote: I started out as a roustabout, cleaning up - elephants are vegetarians and leave a lot to be desired and I was the guy who was shoveling the "lot to be desired." [Al Lewis]

Quote: I was a seaman The late 30's and then into the war. I was torpedoed twice, once in the Mediterranean and once off Murmansk. [Al Lewis]

Quote: I went to all the Love-Ins. I took my kids. I enjoyed myself. [Al Lewis]

Quote: I worked live television, plays, Broadway, Off-Broadway, films. Do what you got to do. Still do. The old mule still pulls the wagon. Not as fast, but still pulls it, gets it home. [Al Lewis]

Quote: I'll tell you what my secret is. It took me a long time to find this out. Find something that you absolutely love to do. [Al Lewis]

Quote: I'm more important to me than any body you can mention. Do you know that? [Al Lewis]

Quote: I've said, these politicians that switched to Giuliani, they're all gonna get paid off. Read American history, Tammany Hall, Boss Tweed. You can't be stupid about where you live! [Al Lewis]

Quotes of the month