Quotes about Activity

I don't care for physical activity. I'm not sporty. I'm not very coordinated. Any meaningless activity can become the meaning of life. The main difference is not just competitive activity, it is equality of conditions, it is short sessions, plotlessness, reduced effect of randomness, reduced influence of luck That is another chamber of my heart that shows no electrical activity - the chamber that used to flicker into life when I saw a film that moved me, or read a book that inspired me, or listened to music that made me want to cry. I closed that chamber myself, for all the usual reasons. And now I seem to have made a pact with some philistine devil: if I don't attempt to re-open it, I will be allowed just enough energy and optimism to get through a working day without wanting to hang myself. Physical activity is not just about burning calories but about nourishing our brain and body. Physical activity is not just about getting in shape; it's about optimizing our brain function and mental well-being. We have the ability to reshape our bodies and minds through intentional physical activity. Physical activity is not just a choice, but a crucial aspect of human nature. The object of poetic activity is essentially language: whatever his beliefs and convictions, the poet is more concerned with words than with what these words designate. People say that Americans trends are transient, but the one activity we never seem to tire of is being outraged. Boy, do we love it! Nature has endowed us with needs; among them are some that she leaves to our own activity to satisfy. Abundant as are the gifts she has bestowed upon us, still more abundant are our desires. We seem born to be dissatisfied. Today's policies and political activity treat people like pawns. More than ever before, attempts will be made to use people like cogs in a wheel. People will be handled like puppets on a string, and everyone will think that this reflects the greatest progress imaginable. There is a feeling among the Arabs - encouraging terrorist activity is part of the broad new Arab strategy - that sooner or later, Israel will be forced to withdraw from Samaria, Judea and Gaza. I don't believe in ghosts or paranormal activity, but one time I think I saw - I might have seen - no, I think I did see a ghost. 'Paranormal Activity' had fifty versions because it was $250 to reshoot. We'd screen it, see one thing wrong, shoot for an hour, fix it, and then screen it again. You don't have to be disciplined about it. On a regular movie, you have to screen it and think of every problem, reshoot for three days and solve every problem, and then you're done. 'Paranormal Activity' was the first of our independently made/studio-released films. It was also the ultimate low-budget high-concept movie, which is what we are always looking for. 'Paranormal Activity' was the genesis of our model, of which I am so proud. I liked stuff like 'Halloween,' but I wasn't a horror fanatic until I was in my 30s and then made 'Paranormal Activity.' Now, having a company, I can't imagine doing anything else. But it took me a while to find my love for it. Most people who've had a big hit movie like 'Paranormal Activity,' the next thing they say is, 'I want to make a $100 million movie.' I have no interest in making more expensive movies. If you look to the few films that have been really successful, 'Insidious,' 'Paranormal Activity,' it's all basically the old monsters. I like the physical activity of gardening. It's kind of thrilling. I do a lot of weeding. My husband and I make physical activity a priority in our lives, and our daughters love being active as well. And while we each have sports and activities we enjoy, we try to go for hikes or bike rides together whenever we get the chance. We've found that the best way to help our girls be active is to find activities they truly enjoy. The people at Netflix are extremely intelligent about the way they monitor activity on their platform. I am pretty laid-back as a parent, but I do like a lot of activity. So I am constantly suggesting things to do that involve some physical activity: cycling, mountain biking and paddleboarding. We have to ask ourselves, what fraction of the economic activity that surrounds us is profitable only by virtue of the fact that those who make the money are externalizing the cost to somebody else. If we were to eliminate such behaviors, we would... reduce the amount of activity by a lot... but we would reduce it by exactly the fraction of activities that shouldn't have existed in the first place. Breathing is so important with physical activity, then how much more important is it with psychological activity? Activity that perishes, that is not productive of the eternal, of the lasting, is of very little use. So, to meditate is to purge the mind of its self-centered activity. And if you have come this far in meditation, you will find there is silence, a total emptiness. The mind is uncontaminated by society; it is no longer subject to any influence, to the pressure of any desire. It is completely alone, and being alone, untouched it is innocent. Therefore there is a possibility for that which is timeless, eternal, to come into being. This whole process is meditation. "Some human activity linked to climate change." That bothers me much more than whether or not we're gonna be prosecuting Hillary [Clinton]. [Donald] Trump is going to look into the notion of prosecuting Hillary [Clinton]. CNN has a graphic up , "Trump: Some human activity linked to climate change." The left does understand how raising taxes reduces economic activity. How about their desire for increasing cigarette taxes, soda taxes? What are they trying to do? Get you to buy less. They know. They know that higher taxes reduce activity. It's real simple: If you want more of an activity, lower taxes on it. If you want less of an activity, raise taxes. So if you want more jobs? It's very simple. You lower payroll taxes. If you don't want as many jobs, then you raise corporate taxes. It's that simple, folks.

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