Quotes about Absence

In the absence of a written constitution, we still rely far too heavily in the U.K. on unwritten and unenforceable 'constitutional conventions.' I realize now how lucky I was, in the total absence of role models, to have only men to rebel against. Today's women students are meeting their oppressors in dangerously seductive new form, as successful congenial female professors who view themselves as victims of a rigid foreign ideology. The strongest predictors of growth are not found in the absence of adversity, but in the presence of support. Peace isn't the absence of distraction or annoyance or pain. It's finding Me, finding peace and calm, in the midst of those distractions and annoyances and pains. Day of Absence is a tradition at Evergreen. "Consent must be freely given, can be withdrawn at any time, and the absence of 'no' does not mean 'yes.'" How many of you guys, in your own experience with women, have learned that "no" means "yes" if you know how to spot it? Parents are the centre of a person's solar system, even as an adult. My dad had a stronger gravitational pull than most, so his absence was bound to leave a deep and lasting void. Dijkstra once said, 'Testing shows the presence, not the absence, of bugs.' In other words, a program can be proven incorrect by a test, but it cannot be proven correct. All that tests can do, after sufficient testing effort, is allow us to deem a program to be correct enough for our purposes. Absence of gratitude is the mark of the narrow, uneducated mind. It bespeaks a lack of knowledge and the ignorance of self-sufficiency. It expresses itself in ugly egotism and frequently in wanton mischief. We have seen our beaches, our parks, our forests littered with ugly refuse by those who evidently have no appreciation for their beauty. I have driven through thousands of acres of blackened land scourged by a fire evidently set by a careless smoker whose only concern had been the selfish pleasure gained from a cigarette. You can see the absence of women in governing bodies from Congress to state legislators, on corporate boards, in tenured positions in academia, and as forepeople in factories. Spaniards were condemned for appeasing terrorism by voting for withdrawing troops from Iraq in the absence of U.N. authorization - that is, for taking a stand rather like that of 70 percent of Americans, who called for the U.N. to take the leading role in Iraq. We are natural partners [with Japan] in the world and the Far East, but the absence of a peace treaty does not allow us to develop the full range of our relations. Therefore, we will naturally strive to sign this treaty. The absence of a peace treaty [with Japan] is an anachronism we inherited from the past and it must be removed. However, how to do this is a complicated issue. The complete absence of the story - that was the best thing about this whole thing, because you know that nothing's going to happen and everything's going to happen. It's just the gaze. You create your own zone. The potential for regional conflict in the absence of an internationally active America is real. From the Balkans to Africa, from Asia to the Middle East, we have witnessed the weakening or absence of effective governance leading to the ravaging of human rights and the abandonment of longstanding humanitarian principles. We need competent and responsible states to meet the needs of 'we the peoples' for whom the UN was created. And the world's peoples will not be fully served unless peace, development and human rights, the three pillars of the UN, are advanced together with equal vigour. Businesses succeed when societies themselves succeed. When countries are affected by violence and the absence of the rule of law, business can and must be a messenger of peace. Do you know what we call opinion in the absence of evidence? We call it prejudice. Will capitalist economies operate at full employment in the absence of routine intervention? Certainly not. Are deviations from full employment a social problem? Obviously. One of the symptoms of an absence of innovation is the fact that you lose your jobs. Everyone else catches up with you. They can do what you do better than you or cheaper than you. And in a multinational corporate-free market enterprise, it is the company's obligation to take the factory to a place where they can make it more cheaply. I see all this talk about jobs going overseas as a symptom of the absence of innovation. And the absence of innovation is a symptom of there being no major national priority to advance a frontier. In the absence of evidence, superstition. It's a Middle Ages thing. That's my theory anyway. Food for thought, no comments. During the ten years of Khrushchev's \'thaw\', which was primarily characterized by the absence of political prisoners in the country, more than 10,000 people were convicted under Article 58-10 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (responsibility for counter-revolutionary activities). During the twenty years of Andropov's \'repressions\' and the \'cruel\' 5th Directorate, about 800 people were convicted under the same political article. In the absence of arguments, they are limited to quotations. Better disappointment in love than its absence. Otherwise, there is absolutely no point in living. The absence of any plan greatly complicates it search. Useless transformations are needed in order to hide the absence of useful ones. As a weapon, the Germans used gas, and the Russians used its absence. The devil is not so terrible as the absence of the Internet. Sense of humor is a relative concept. But his absence, it seems, is absolute.

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