Quotes about Ability

I have a Reagan-like ability to believe in my own data. The future of AI lies in its ability to reason, not just compute; to understand, not just execute. God gave them the ability to reason, but did not give them the ability to think? The prosperity of our nation depends on our ability to harness our resources, support our farmers, and stand firm against external exploitation. A person begins to do stupid things as soon as he acquires the ability to think, i.e. at 2-3 years old. The future of innovation depends on our ability to foster an environment where technology and entrepreneurship flourish without unnecessary roadblocks. The ability of the Russian government to function without a head was noted by V.O. Klyuchevsky. Argentina�s strength lies not only in our resources but in our resilience, our ability to adapt, and our fierce pride in our heritage. Leadership is not only the ability to see in the dark, but also the ability to shine a light for others when all paths seem closed. Freedom is not just the ability to say what you think, but the willingness to defend your truth, even when it comes at a price. The success of our military is not in our weaponry, but in our ability to educate minds, inspire hearts, and stay loyal to our ideals. We historians are increasingly using experimental psychology to understand the way we act. It is becoming very clear that our ability to evaluate risk is hedged by all sorts of cognitive biases. It's a miracle that we get anything right. Labor, and the ability to earn one's own way, is central to dignity and, indeed, to vocation. Christians should seek to broaden the private economy to include more individuals in remunerative labor. A successful career is not just a ladder of achievement, but the ability to maneuver and move forward, no matter what. I think it was the ability of the theater to communicate ideas and extol virtues that drew me to it. And also, I was, and remain, fascinated by the idea of an audience as a community of people who gather willingly to bear witness. Americans are losing faith in this country's ability to work for them. Every sector of society looks at digital analytics in a productive way. Limiting my ability to use them is just unacceptable. And by the way, Congress conducts polls using traditional methods. No one is using social media analytics as a substitute for that. I love the ability to transform because that, for me, is a liberation. I was a strange kid. I never really fit in; I was never comfortable in my own skin because I was a giant kid with no athletic ability. We have the ability to reshape our bodies and minds through intentional physical activity. Jazz is really about the human experience. It's about the ability of human beings to take the worst of circumstances and struggles and turn it into something creative and constructive. That's something that's built into the fiber of every human being. And I think that's why people can respond to it. They feel the freedom in it. And the attributes of jazz are also admirable. It's about dialogue. It's about sharing. And teamwork. It's in the moment, and it's nonjudgmental. Everything in life can be tiring and tiresome if we don't have the ability to look at it as if it's the first time we've ever done it. I find many of answers in the spiritual realm. That in no way compromises my ability to think rigorously as a scientist. It is truly excellent to have someone believe in you and your ability to write. But I think it is just as helpful to have people who don't believe in you, people who mock you, people who doubt you, people who enrage you. Fortunately, there is never a shortage of this type of person in the world ... write for yourself. Write for the story. And write, also, for all of the people who doubt you. Write for all those people who are not brave enough to do this grand and wondrous thing themselves. Let them motivate you. Real democracy is food on the table, the ability to plan your life, the ability to walk on the street without getting mugged. I can't rank anything. I mean, how could anyone possibly say what their favourite piece of music is? I don't have the ability or the desire to categorise things of that nature. Esoteric or inner knowledge is no different from other kinds of human knowledge and ability. It is a mystery for the average person only to the extent that writing is a mystery for those who have not yet learned to write. Israel is an independent country with a large army, and it has the ability to do what it thinks is right. One of the reasons why I signed up with Roc Nation was because of their ability to not just have a vision of doing things but the actual ability and resources to carry that vision out. Dell's a company that has changed the IT landscape in making PCs and servers more affordable. There's enormous opportunities to make IT more accessible to tens of millions of companies, kind of democratizing the ability for companies to gain access to IT.

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