All My Quotes
John Mason: Forget Maui. <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Cable car conductor: [as cable car careens down street] We're gonna crash! Save yourselves! Oh, my baby! <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
FBI Director Womack: What do you know about V.X. gas? <br> Dr. Stanley Goodspeed: Liquid; failed pesticide; discovered by mistake in 1952. Uhh, actually, it's kind of like champagne that way. The Franciscan monks thought they were making white wine. Somehow the bottle carbonated. Voila, champagne, and uhh, then the whole thing... <br> FBI Director Womack: The gas, Dr. Goodspeed. <br> Dr. Stanley Goodspeed: It's very, very horrible sir. It's one of those things we wish we could disinvent. This isn't a training exercise, is it? <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
John Mason: The Rock has become a tourist attraction? <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Bob (park ranger): I'm not allowed to carry a gun! <br> Female Tourist: Oh you're not allowed to carry a gun? I got a goddamned gun! If I'd'a known this was gonna happen, I'd'a brought my mother-fuckin' gun! Help! <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
John Mason: I'm only borrowing your Hum-Vee! <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Stanley Goodspeed: How'd you do it? <br> John Mason: Nurtured the hope that there was hope. That one day I'd breathe free air. Perhaps meet my daughter. Modest hopes, but they kept a man alive. <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
General Al Kramer: Wait a minute. What is the potential casualty rate for a single rocket armed with VX poison gas, General Peterson? <br> General Peterson: Sixty or seventy... <br> Chief of Staff Hayden Sinclair: Well, that's-that's not so bad. <br> General Peterson: ...thousand. Seventy *thousand* dead. <br> Chief of Staff Hayden Sinclair: Oh. <br> General Peterson: One teaspoon of this hits the floor, it's lethal up to... a hundred feet. One teaspoon of this shit detonated in the atmosphere... will kill every living organism in an eight-block radius. Get the point? <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Stanley Goodspeed: Hi, darling, it's me. Listen, do not come, I repeat, do not come to San Francisco. <br> Carla: [Answers the phone] Stanley, no. <br> Stanley Goodspeed: Carla... <br> Carla: Like hell I'm not comin'! <br> [Hangs up] <br> Stanley Goodspeed: Wait, Carla... <br> [tries to dial again] <br> John Mason: Who's Carla, and why don't you want her to come to San Francisco? <br> Stanley Goodspeed: You're on a need-to-know basis... and you do'nt need to know. <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Womack: Damn it, you're on a need-to-know basis, and you don't need to know. <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Bob: Ladies and gentlemen, I, Ranger Bob, cordially invite you to become inmates of Alcatraz. <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Hotel Barber: Oh, who did this to you? This is just not right. In fact, it's nasty... <br> John Mason: It's a 'grunge thing'. <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Captain Darrow: Sergeant Crisp, secure the General. I'm relieving you of command, sir. <br> [pause] <br> Captain Darrow: SERGEANT. <br> [Sergeant Crisp pulls out his pistol and reaches for General Hummel's gun holster] <br> Sergeant Crisp: I'll have that sidearm, sir. <br> [General Hummel pulls out his pistol from behind his back and points it at Sergeant Crisp] <br> General Hummel: You mean this sidearm? <br> [Captains Frye and Darrow pull out their pistols and point them at General Hummel] <br> Captain Frye: Major Baxter, you're either with us or against us. <br> Major Tom Baxter: It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve with you, General. <br> [Pulls out his pistol and points it General Hummel] <br> Major Tom Baxter: But like he said, it's over. <br> [Shoots Captain Darrow] <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Stanley Goodspeed: FBI... Freeze Sucker. <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Stanley Goodspeed: Uh, yeah, okay, that's about the most awful thing I've ever seen. <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
John Mason: In my day, we did it all with a snorkel and a pair of flippers. <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Stanley Goodspeed: Mason, you all right? <br> John Mason: [hanging upside down] Yes. Perfectly okay, you fucking idiot. <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Agent Paxton: What's status? <br> Stanley Goodspeed: Status... is, they're dead. They're dead! It's just me and Mason, now he says he's leaving. <br> Agent Paxton: That is unacceptable, do you hear me? Unacceptable! <br> Stanley Goodspeed: Well, there's a problem sir, he's got a gun! <br> Agent Paxton: What do you have, a fuckin' water pistol? <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
General Hummel: I guess you haven't completely taken care of the rat problem, Captain. <br> Captain Hendrix: No, sir. <br> General Hummel: Well, there are two dead men here who strongly suggest that you go finish the job. <br> Captain Hendrix: Yes, sir. <br> [realizing he's being given an order] <br> Captain Hendrix: YES, SIR! <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Captain Darrow: Maybe now they'll pay up. <br> Captain Hendrix: Maybe now they won't, captain. <br> Captain Darrow: Then maybe we need to execute a few hostages. <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
John Mason: Womack! Why am I not surprised, you piece of shit! <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Private Cox: [beating up Mason] English prick. I tell you my old man was Irish? <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Kid On Motorcycle: Hey man, you just fucked up your Ferrari. <br> Stanley Goodspeed: It's not mine. <br> [steals bike] <br> Stanley Goodspeed: And neither is this. <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Stanley Goodspeed: What do you say we cut the chit-chat, a-hole? <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Stanley Goodspeed: All right, I'll do it myself. I've had three weeks weapons training, I'll kick the... out of a platoon full of marines. No problem. <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
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