All My Quotes
Tybalt: Romeo, the love I bear thee can afford no better term than this: Thou art a villain. <br>
Movie: Romeo + Juliet [1996] Movie: Romeo + Juliet [1996]
Tybalt: Romeo, thou art a villain. <br>
Movie: Romeo + Juliet [1996] Movie: Romeo + Juliet [1996]
Benvolio: Why, Romeo, art thou mad? <br> Romeo: Not mad, but bound more than a mad man is. Shut up in prison, kept without my food, whipped and tormented. <br>
Movie: Romeo + Juliet [1996] Movie: Romeo + Juliet [1996]
Romeo: He that hath the steerage of my course, direct my sail! <br>
Movie: Romeo + Juliet [1996] Movie: Romeo + Juliet [1996]
Juliet: And when I shall die, take him and cut him up in little stars, and he will make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will fall in love with night and pay no worship to the garish sun. <br>
Movie: Romeo + Juliet [1996] Movie: Romeo + Juliet [1996]
Benvolio: By my head, here come the Capulets! <br> Mercutio: By my heel, I care not. <br>
Movie: Romeo + Juliet [1996] Movie: Romeo + Juliet [1996]
Romeo: Is love a tender thing? It is too rough, too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like thorn. <br> Mercutio: If love be rough with you, be rough with love. Prick love for pricking and you beat love down. <br>
Movie: Romeo + Juliet [1996] Movie: Romeo + Juliet [1996]
Romeo: He jests at scars that never felt a wound. <br>
Movie: Romeo + Juliet [1996] Movie: Romeo + Juliet [1996]
Stanley Goodspeed: You broke out, let me see if I can get this straight. You went down the incinerator chute, on the mine car, through the tunnels to the power plant, under the steam engine-that was really cool by the way-and into the cistern through the intake pipe. But how, in the name of Zeus's butthole did you get out of your cell? I only ask because in our current situation, well, it could prove to be useful information. Maybe! <br> John Mason: Trade secrets, my son. <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Stanley Goodspeed: Eat that, you fuck! <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Stanley Goodspeed: Okay, I've got some bad news, and some really bad news. The bad news is, is that the gas is corrosive and its eating our suits... <br> Isherwood: It's all over my hand, man! <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
John Mason: [to his daughter] You know... you're almost the only evidence that I exist. <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Captain Darrow: Come here... come here, you little chicken shit! <br> Stanley Goodspeed: You shoot me, I drop this, we're both dead! <br> Captain Darrow: [points his gun away] Come on, come on, don't be scared, I won't hurt you! Come on... <br> Stanley Goodspeed: You know how this shit works? <br> Captain Darrow: [pulls his combat knife] You know how this shit works? <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Captain Frye: I'm gonna choke my million bucks out of you! <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
John Mason: You must see a certain pattern emerging here... Alexander Solzenhitsyn... <br> Agent Paxton: Yeah, I heard of him. Didn't he play hockey for the fucking Red Wings? <br> John Mason: That's the chap. <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Stanley Goodspeed: You're shooting too close to the rocket! Him, but not the rocket! <br> John Mason: Any other news, professor? <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
[Hummel visits his wife's grave before setting his plan into action] <br> General Hummel: I miss you so much. <br> [long pause] <br> General Hummel: There's something I've gotta do, Barb. Something I couldn't do while you were here. I tried. You know I tried everything, and I still don't have their attention. Let's hope this elevates their thinking. But whatever happens... <br> [he takes Congressional Medal of Honor out of his pocket] <br> General Hummel: ...please don't think less of me. <br> [he sets the Medal on top of the headstone, leans over and kisses it, and then walks away] <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Stanley Goodspeed: You're not leaving! There's a madman in there with his hand on a... ON A BUTTON! <br> John Mason: Shh! <br> [to himself] <br> John Mason: Some sniper's gonna get his ass. <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
General Hummel: Ladies and gentlemen, you're being detained against your will, and for that I apologize. It is not our intention in any way to harm you, you will not be detained one minute longer than is necessary for us to complete our mission. <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Agent Paxton: Congratulations, Dr. Goodspeed. You did it. <br> Dr. Stanley Goodspeed: Thank you, sir. <br> Agent Paxton: You know, for a while there, I didn't think you were going to make it. Well done, son. So where's Mason? <br> Dr. Stanley Goodspeed: Vaporized. Blown out to sea. <br> Agent Paxton: Blown out to sea, huh? <br> Dr. Stanley Goodspeed: Yeah. <br> Agent Paxton: [smiles] Poor bastard. <br> [They share a knowing glance] <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
John Mason: Forget Maui. <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Cable car conductor: [as cable car careens down street] We're gonna crash! Save yourselves! Oh, my baby! <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
FBI Director Womack: What do you know about V.X. gas? <br> Dr. Stanley Goodspeed: Liquid; failed pesticide; discovered by mistake in 1952. Uhh, actually, it's kind of like champagne that way. The Franciscan monks thought they were making white wine. Somehow the bottle carbonated. Voila, champagne, and uhh, then the whole thing... <br> FBI Director Womack: The gas, Dr. Goodspeed. <br> Dr. Stanley Goodspeed: It's very, very horrible sir. It's one of those things we wish we could disinvent. This isn't a training exercise, is it? <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
John Mason: The Rock has become a tourist attraction? <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
Bob (park ranger): I'm not allowed to carry a gun! <br> Female Tourist: Oh you're not allowed to carry a gun? I got a goddamned gun! If I'd'a known this was gonna happen, I'd'a brought my mother-fuckin' gun! Help! <br>
Movie: The Rock [1996] Movie: The Rock [1996]
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