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In the beginning were the watch of the Patriarch. Then there were the watch of Peskov and the wedding on the expensive yacht. Then there was the plane and the dogs of Shuvalov, the yacht of Sechin and a billion Roldugin. Then there was Medvedev's duck. And now, there was the wedding of Khakhaleva. All this was ...
But, none of them, get nothing for what!
Everyone has his own ideas about equality. Some believe that equality is when everyone at the same time comes to the finish line, others - when everyone starts at the same time from the starting line.
My mother-in-law talks so much that, when she rests on the sea, she even has glands covered with sunburn.
One girl learned to kiss on tomatoes and sucked the brain of the first guy.
A man comes one day earlier from a business trip, and catched at home his wife's lover with some unknown woman.
If you steal a little - you will get a long time. If you steal a lot - nothing will happen for it. And if you steal very much, most of all, you can already put others to jail!
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