Joyce Meyer Quotes

is an American Charismatic Christian author, speaker, and president of Joyce Meyer Ministries

Satan gains more ground in the believer's life through unforgiveness than any other thing, so be sure you let go of all offense and pray for those who have hurt you. It may be hard, but it is the best thing you can do for yourself and the kingdom of God. Don't stay angry at anyone today because it will hurt you more than it hurts them. One of the best gifts we can give ourselves is time alone with God. Courage means to keep making forward progress while you still feel afraid! Our problems are God's opportunities. Sometimes when you are the closest to your breakthrough the pressure is the greatest. You have come too far to give up now! Worry increases pressure; prayer releases peace. God rose up from His throne and said to demon powers tormenting the sinless Son of God, 'Let Him go.' Then the resurrection power of Almighty God went through hell and filled Jesus. .. He was resurrected from the dead - the first born-again man. I don't want to spend my whole life talking about the promised land without ever getting there. I want to live in it. Sowing and reaping is a spiritual law...Sow generously and you will reap generously. Today we are going to talk about words. You know, words are containers for power. They carry creative or destructive power. They carry positive or negative power. We can choose our words and we should do it carefully. God doesn't always give us a blueprint for our lives, but he always gives us a next step. Are you living up to your potential? God made you with potential - potential for greatness! If you do what you can do, and trust Him to do what you can't, you will grow into the person He gave you the potential to be! The three most harmful negative emotions are anger, guilt, and fear. And anger is number one. It is also the strongest and most dangerous of all passions. Today is a brand new beginning for me! Worrying is trying to figure out what to do to save yourself rather than trusting in God for deliverance. Refuse to let your love grow cold. Stir up love in your life - towards your spouse and towards your family, friends, neighbours, co-workers. Reach out to others who are hurting and in need. Pray for people and bless them. Grow to the point that one of your first thoughts each morning in your heart is about how you can bless someone else that day. We cannot know God apart from His Word... You don't need to know what tomorrow holds; all you need to know is the One who holds tomorrow. The Word of God is different than other words because God's Word is stuffed full of power and anointing. You have the power to make the world a better place by being kind to someone today When we complain about our current situation, we remain in it; when we praise God in the midst of difficulty, He raises us out of it. Enjoyment of life is not based on enjoyable circumstances. It is an attitude of the heart, a decision to enjoy everything because everything - even little, seemingly insignificant things - have a part in the overall 'big picture' of life. Deadly emotions, buried alive, never die. Everything doesn't have to feel good to be God We need to do what we can do and let God do what we cannot. When you walk in love, you give up your right to be right. We worship God with our entire life - with every decision we make and everything we do Your word is your honor. If you say you're going to do something, then you need to do it. Stop labeling people just because they're not like you. When we are made right with God, we begin to think right, we begin to talk right, and we begin to act right.

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