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Andrey Sebrant Quotes
one of the first figures of the RuNet, Russian scientist, director of marketing for Yandex services
Here's a life hack. After you buy an axe, so you don't have to admire axes for another two weeks, go to a fashion store. Then, depending on your gender preferences, go to either men's or women's underwear. Throw a few items in the cart, close the cart, and leave. These guys have huge retargeting budgets: for the next two weeks, depending on your preferences, you'll be stalked by either handsome half-dressed men or handsome half-dressed women. That's better than an axe.
Andrey Sebrant
Success in technology lies not only in its development, but also in the ability to adapt to a changing world.
Andrey Sebrant
In a world where everything is becoming digital, the most valuable thing is to maintain humanity and critical thinking.
Andrey Sebrant
True progress is not the replacement of man by machine, but harmonious cooperation with it.
Andrey Sebrant
The future belongs to those who are not afraid to use data to create new opportunities.
Andrey Sebrant
Technology does not change people, it only reveals and accelerates what is already embedded in us.
Andrey Sebrant
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