Alexandr Lukashenko Quotes

President of the Republic of Belarus

A dictatorship like the one in Belarus is better than a democracy like the one in Ukraine. Belarus has the technical capabilities to counter the threat from the West. Against the backdrop of events in Russia, the Belarusian opposition was already ready to implement the scenario of an armed rebellion, but a false start occurred. I gave all orders to bring the army to full combat readiness. It was painful to watch the events that took place in the south of Russia. Not only me. Many of our citizens took them to heart. Because the Fatherland is one. The worst thing is that if there were turmoil, the West would immediately take advantage of this. Our generation is undergoing its test of endurance. We have a mission to save the world conquered by millions of lives of heroes - our fathers and grandfathers. This means only one thing: we must be stronger than the threat that again hangs like a shadow over our land. Eat, consume your own, do not rush to overseas. Some began to gasp and groan that McDonald's was leaving. I think \'thank you, Lord, that he is leaving.\' But the place of McDonald's should be taken by Belarusians, no one else. What, they can't cut a bun in half and push a piece of meat, potatoes and lettuce into these two halves. I am an ardent supporter of electric vehicles. This is the future. I am sure that in the upcoming five-year plan (2021-2025) we will have our own good electric car.

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