About All My Quotes

Aaron, Craig [4] 80755

Aaron, Chuck [1] 95338

Aaron, Hank [94] 12855

Baseball\'s Home Run King

Aaronovitch, Ben [44] 92301

Aarons, Slim [3] 74054

American photographer

Aaronson, Mike [4] 81919

Aaronson, Scott [8] 74885

A specialist in the field of computer science machines and systems, Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT

Aaronson, Burt [8] 80616

Abad, Florencio [3] 101400

Abagnale, Frank [141] 12896

American swindler, counterfeiter.

Abakanowicz, Magdalena [5] 74886

Polish artist

Abalos, Robert [7] 82237

Abani, Chris [59] 94271

Abaray, Janet [4] 81316

Abaroa, Gabriel [10] 81107

Abascal, Santiago [6] 28331

Spanish nationalist politician, since September 2014 chairman of the right-wing party \"Voice\"

Abate, Joe [10] 81406

Abate, Joseph [10] 81520

ABBA, [24] 11110

Abbado, Claudio [2] 71449

Italian conductor, pianist

Abbagnano, Nicola [1] 37970

Italian existential philosopher.

Abbas, Mohammed [4] 81966

Abbas, Mahmoud [39] 9570

has been the Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) since 11 November 2004 and became President of the Palestinian National Authority on 15 January 2005 on the Fatah

Abbas, Mahmud [10] 81769

Abbas, Abu [19] 9569

was the founder and leader of paramilitary group the Palestine Liberation Front (P.L.F.)

Abbas, Zaheer [4] 82704

Abbass, Hiam [3] 94207

Abbe, Cleveland [14] 14481

American meteorologist and advocate of time zones.

Abbett, Erica [4] 81049

Abbey, Lynn [85] 9571

American computer programmer and author.

Abbey, Doug [4] 80962

Abbey, Dear [4] 80884

Abbey, Edward Paul [702] 14480

American author and essayist noted for his advocacy of environmental issues, criticism of public land policies, and anarchist political views.

Abbey, Henry [12] 94317

Abbey, Joshua [5] 81533

Abbing, Friso [10] 81106

Abbo, Fred [4] 81101

Abbot, Charles [1] 144

American astrophysicist

Page 2 of 3786, showing 41 to 80 of 151407 results